Project Title: Decomposers
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Decompositon is an important process in a given ecosystem as it distributes essential nutrients throughout the nature community. Invertebrates help in this process. In our compost pile, decomposers are observed and documented consistently. Students learn specific facts and jobs of each decomposer, which leads to a deep respect for all living creatures as they understand everything and everyone has a purpose! 


Once the first lesson begins in first grade about insect decomposers, I can't lie, it becomes difficult for students to pay attention to their plant duties as the excitement is uncontrollable when a classmate discovers the tiniest pill bug. When the first decomposer is found for the day, the hunt begins for them all!!


[image] picture 1    

[image] picture 2


[image] picture 3


[image] picture 4


[image] picture 5


[image] picture 6


When the students return to the classroom, they cannot wait to document their findings about these amazing decomposers!


This is an example of one of Brigg's Journal Entries in February:


[image] briggs journal 1


[image] Briggs journal 2


[image] Briggs journal 3


The questions keep coming after that, which allows us to dive deeper into the subject and begin comparing decomposers and their specific jobs, as seen here in Allison's Venn Diagram of pill bugs vs. sow bugs. The students learn the jobs of each living organism and the importance of each organism in this amazing cycle that is constantly taking place around us.


[image] Venn Diagram


And of course we can always take it a step further with specifics of decomposers displayed through an art project.


[image] decomposers art project


I will remind you....all the above is done by 1st graders....that's right, 1st graders!! One of the many advanced skills and concepts that students learn at an early age at Stonewall Jackson Elementary!

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