Project Title: Bottle Ecosytems
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Bottle Ecosystems


[image] Bottle Ecosystems

Students who joined our ECO-CLUB this year created Bottle Eco-Columns from recycled 2 liter bottles. Each column was separated into the 5 parts listed below:

1) An aquatic section complete with water plants and fish

2) A decomposition section that drained into the aqautic section

3) A terrestrial section with a pea plant

4-5) A Precipitation and atmosophere section

Then, once completed, students presented their Eco-columns to all 4th grade classes in a lesson/lab activity that they designed themselves on Ecosystems focusing on some of the following 4th grade science terms:

1) Abiotic and biotic factors

2) ecosystem

3) producers and consumers

4) Food Chain/web

5) Pollution and water conservation

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